Automatically load the Google Fonts from the template
Regarding the GDPR regulation, you must take care about how you are loading the data on your website, especially for the Google Fonts. Of course you can avoid to load it, but what if you want to load a Google font and be GDPR compliant ?
Page Builder CK allows you to get the Google fonts from your template automatically listed in the fonts list, and select it without having to load it from the page builder. You can manage any font from your template, load it directly from your own files on your own server. If you load the fonts from your own files and not from the Google server, then you are compliant with the GDPR regulation about the use of the Google Fonts.
Read more: Automatically load the Google Fonts from the template
How to create your own library
When using Page Builder CK for Joomla, you can create your own library to use in your website. But what is a library and how it works ? Let's see that all together.
Easy Image Caption CK - Add caption to your images
Joomla compatibility : Joomla 5 Joomla 4
The Easy Image Caption CK plugin for Joomla generates captions from article images title or alt attributes and displays them below (or above) the images. An optional data-copyright attribute can be used to display copyright or license information for the image next to the caption.
Read more: Easy Image Caption CK - Add caption to your images
How to use the global styles
Using Page Builder CK for Joomla, you can create some styles on any addon item (text, accordion, timeline, etc) and save this style to apply it to any joomla article or Page Builder CK page. You can use this style to render your items the same on all your pages and customize them in one place.
Open the mobile menu from another link
You can combine the Mobile Menu CK with a desktop menu, or even any other link in the page. You can open the submenu in the mobile menu directly by clicking a link anywhere else in the page. Doing that allows you to have a direct interaction between another menu or link with the mobile menu and let your visitor navigate throught the menu.
Log the cookies consents of your visitors
You can choos to list the cookies consents from your visitors. This can be needed in accordance with the law of your country. Cookies CK allows you to do that easily from the plugin options and it will store the following informations :
- Unique key that is stored in a cookie to identify the user choice
- User action : accept, decline, update
- IP of the visitor, partially masked to be GPDR compliant
- Date and time of the action
- Page url where the consent has been given
- ID of the consent form
- Categories that the user selected in the consent
Share your medias
You can display your medias (images, videos ...) into a Lightbox for your Joomla website. This can be done easily with Mediabox CK which is a multimedi lightbox plugin for Joomla.
Create a child template for Joomla 4
The child template feature has been introduced into Joomla 4.1, let's see what it is and how it works.
What does mean a child template ?
This is a template that depends on its parent, loading everything from the parent except if you decide to load some specific files from the child template. Imagine that you have a main template and that you want to create a variation for Christmas : you can do that with a child template for Christmas, loading everything from the parent template but using a custom css or adding a custom position in the index.php file. This is now possible.
You can also imagine that you want to customize the template Cassiopeia that is devlivered with Joomla 4, if you modify the files, your modifications will be lost with every update of Joomla. Now you can create a child template to get all the features, from Cassiopeia but without the risk of loosing your work.
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