Joomla compatibility : Joomla 5 Joomla 4 Joomla 3

slideshow, joomla, module, extension, mobile, responsive design

Slideshow CK can display your images or videos with nice effects. It is compatible with mobiles, resonsive design (adaptive width) and you can slide with your fingers on your mobile. You can easily manage the slide in the module options with a Drag & Drop interface.



Demo of Slideshow CK

This is a bridge
This bridge is very long
On the road again
This slideshow uses the JQuery script from Pixedelic

Slideshow CK Demo with thumbs and Lightbox

Download Slideshow CK


Slides manager
Add, remove, order your slides like you want with the slides manager directly inside the module. Select your image, write your title and description, and use more options.
Use the slideshow on mobile device, it will adapt itself automatically. Use your fingers to navigate though the photos by sliding it from left to right or right to left.
Multiple sources
Use the slideshow to show your slides from different sources in 1 click : Slides manager, Hikashop, Joomgallery,From a folder, Articles, Google photos album, Flickr album, Virtuemart ...
Display your images in a Lightbox popup, or give any other link on each slide that you want to show in the popup.
Advanced options
Unpublish your slides, select the dates when to show each slide, give a random order, give a limit of the number of slides to show, ... Slideshow CK has some more options that you can play with, just by installing it.



Slides Manager

Use the slides manager to manage your images with a fast edition interface.

Integrated to the module, you can add an unlimited number of slides with 1 click, select your image, write a text if you want a caption, and that's it !

You can also order your slides with drag and drop, disable your slides, give dates for publication, select an article to load, select a video or a link from your menus  ...

Read more about the slides manager

slides manager slideshow



video slideshow 450


Demo video

Watch the video to see how Slideshow CK works.

You can see how fast it is to create your slideshow in few seconds, how to order them, select your images and more !

Use the styling interface to give the look you want to your slideshow. Don't waste your time coding CSS, just click and save.



Graphic design interface

Style your slideshow like you want, without coding CSS ! No file to edit, no waste of time, click in the interface to add margin, colors, images, fonts ... and see the result with an instant preview.

Just click and save to apply immediately your design to your slideshow


slideshow graphic design interface



slidehsow presets


Fast design using presets

Use the styling interface and select one of the presets to apply a new design in one click to your joomla slideshow.

You can also edit any value of the presets to adapt it to you need very quickly and easily.

You can also create your own models by using the import / export feature. Store your design and reuse it on another website !



Using a tag in articles

Use a tag to easily load a slideshow into your content.

Place the tag in your content to call the module and you can also pass custom parameters to it. Imagine a module that drives them all! Shared options for all slideshows, with the possibility to change any parameter from the tag.

Learn more

slidehsow presets


List of features of the slideshow

  • Unlimited slides
  • Ergonomic admin interface with Drag & Drop
  • Can display images or videos
  • Kenburns effect available
  • Multiple options to congifure the slideshow
  • Mobiles compatible, you can slide with your fingers
  • Responsive design (adapts the image to the width of the container)
  • Multiple skins
  • You can add a link on any slide
  • Captions with HTML allowed (to put some links for example)
  • Show / hide the caption, title, description
  • Link position options : full slide, title, readmore button
  • Autolink to the image (to open in the lightbox for example)
  • Display order normal or shuffle/random
  • Load the images directly from a folder (Pro version)
  • Load automatically the images from Flickr, Google Photos, Hikashop, Joomgallery, Articles category, K2 (Pro version)
  • Load automatically the images from Flexicontent
  • Open the links in a Lightbox, native Joomla! or Mediabox CK, compatible with the album feature to navigate through the images in the Lightbox (Pro version)


Light version

Slides manager

Article selection

Menu link selection

Default theme

CSS Override

Forum support

Styling / Design interface (limited options)


Animated captions with Page Builder CK

Load images from a folder

Load images from a category of articles

Load images from Hikashop

Load images from Virtuemart

Load images from Joomgallery

Load images from Flickr

Load images from Google Photos

Load images from K2

Load images from Flexicontent

Options for the Lightbox

Use a tag to load the slideshow in articles

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates


Pro version

Slides manager

Article selection

Menu link selection

Default theme

CSS Override

Forum support

Styling / Design interface (full options)


Animated captions with Page Builder CK

Load images from a folder

Load images from a category of articles

Load images from Hikashop

Load images from Virtuemart

Load images from Joomgallery

Load images from Flickr

Load images from Google Photos

Load images from K2

Load images from Flexicontent

Options for the Lightbox

Use a tag to load the slideshow in articles

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates

24 €


Vote for Slideshow CK in the JED

Read the documentation


Release notes (click to show) :

VERSION 2.6.0 - 21/10/24
  • Add alias option and feature to navigate to a specific slide using a direct link (see doc)
  • Fix issue with menu items shown in the admin popup even if in the trash or unpublished
VERSION 2.5.9 - 04/10/24
  • [Pro] Fix PHP issue
VERSION 2.5.8 - 03/10/24
  • Improve the slides manager options, you can now have an article as text and set a separate custom link
  • [Pro] [Articles] Fix issue when loading the first image in the article
  • [Pro] Fix PHP issue
VERSION 2.5.7 - 15/06/24
  • Fix issue with thumbs creation
VERSION 2.5.6 - 04/06/24
  • Fix issue with thumbs created if the file already exists
  • [Pro] [Google] Add link to large images if the option to link auto to the image is enabled
VERSION 2.5.5 - 02/05/24
  • Fix issue with video autoplay
  • Fix issue with translation in the latest option added
VERSION 2.5.4 - 22/04/24
  • [Light] Fix PHP issue in the styling interface
VERSION 2.5.3 - 02/04/24
  • Add option for the caption effect duration
  • Add option for the caption hiding effect
  • [Pro] [Articles] Add option to use the full article image as source
  • Fix issue with title shown on the link of the slide on mouseover
VERSION 2.5.2 - 06/12/23
  • Fix issue with article loading on Joomla 3
VERSION 2.5.1 - 10/11/23
  • Fix issue with height field
VERSION 2.5.0 - 07/11/23
  • Add compatibility with Joomla 5 native (without compatibility plugin)
  • [Pro] Add option to load images from a folder and its subfolders
  • Remove html tags from language files
VERSION 2.4.2 - 16/10/23
  • Fix issue with responsive caption when multiple slideshows are in the page
  • Fix issue with image selection in Joomla 4 with the Light version (use the Joomla media manager)
VERSION 2.4.1 - 03/07/23
  • Add option to show only the title on mobile (hide caption)
  • [Pro] [Flickr] Add option to select manually the image size
  • [Pro] [Flexicontent] Fix issue with unwanted options
  • [Pro] [Flexicontent] Fix php error in admin
VERSION 2.4.0 - 20/03/23
  • Add feature to use a tag {slideshowck} to load the slideshow with custom settings (see doc)
  • [Pro] [Folder] Fix issue with the labels edition
VERSION 2.3.15 - 08/01/23
  • Fix issues with PHP 8.1
  • Remove useless patterns files from the default theme
VERSION 2.3.14 - 17/10/22
  • Fix issue with alt tag on images for WCAG compatibility
VERSION 2.3.13 - 04/07/22
  • Fix issue with video not showing if there is only 1 slide
  • Fix issue with caption not showing if there is only 1 slide
VERSION 2.3.12 - 31/05/22
  • Fix issue with uri in Joomla 4
VERSION 2.3.11 - 05/05/22
  • Add option to show the title on the thumbnails
VERSION 2.3.10 - 07/03/22
  • [Pro] Fix issues with flexicontent and category filtering
VERSION 2.3.9 - 07/03/22
  • Fix issues with articles and flexicontent on Joomla 4
VERSION 2.3.8 - 06/02/22
  • Add space before the css suffix to work the same way as others
  • Fix issue with fields rendering in the Light version
  • Fix issue with option to select a Page Builder CK page in the Light version
  • Fix PHP issue
  • Add compatibility with PHP 8.1
VERSION 2.3.7 - 09/01/22
  • Fix issue with Joomla 4 when user is logged in
VERSION 2.3.6 - 14/12/21
  • Fix issue when using only 1 slide with video (works if option effect autoplay is off)
  • [Pro] [Flickr] Add option to setup a cache time to improve the page speed
  • [Pro] [Google] Add option to setup a cache time to improve the page speed
VERSION 2.3.5 - 22/11/21
  • Fix issue when using only 1 image
  • Fix issue with deprecated code when using Joomla 4
VERSION 2.3.4 - 08/11/21
  • Fix issue with article loading in a slide when using Joomla 4
VERSION 2.3.3 - 14/10/21
  • Add compatibility with WEBP images
  • Add rel noopener noreferrer for the _blank target links
VERSION 2.3.2 - 04/10/21
  • Fix issue with folder selection
VERSION 2.3.1 - 27/09/21
  • Add few CSS to fix issues with video height and thumbs position
  • [Pro] [Articles] Add option to display the date of the article
  • [Pro] [Articles] Add option to display the author of the article
  • [Pro] [Articles] Add option to display the category of the article
  • [Pro] [Flexicontent] Fix issue with image root path
  • [Pro] [Instagram] Remove the Instagram plugin because it is not working anymore
VERSION 2.3.0 - 18/01/21
  • Add compatibility with Joomla 4
  • Add compatibility with PHP 8
  • Fix issue with the images browser and huge amount of images : use ajax request to load images
  • Fix issue with px unit in the slideshow width
VERSION 2.2.2 - 07/12/20
  • Add compatibility with VH unit
  • Fix issue with the timezone for the slides dates
  • [Pro] [Folder] Fix issue with link using multilangual website and lightbox
VERSION 2.2.1 - 30/11/20
  • Add option loop for local videos
  • Add option controls for local videos
  • [Pro] [Articles] Add option to show the slides from text with a default image
  • Fix issue with arrows in the calendar
  • [Pro] Fix issue with nmuber of slides in the plugins options
VERSION 2.2.0 - 12/10/20
  • Add compatibility with Watchful update
  • Add aria-current attribute for the accessibility
  • [Pro] [Folder] Add option to sort the images by shooting date
  • [Pro] Add Flexicontent plugin as source of the slides (see doc)
VERSION 2.1.1 - 31/08/20
  • Add prepare content option in the advanced tab to enable compatibilty with articles loading and Page Builder CK
VERSION 2.1.0 - 04/05/20
  • [Pro] Add Instagram plugin as source of the slides
  • [Pro] Fix issue with cyrillic characters when loading from a folder and using the labels.txt
VERSION 2.0.17 - 29/04/20
  • Add option autoplay for local videos
  • Use HTML5 video tag for local videos, instead of iframe
  • Improve the user interaction for the local video
VERSION 2.0.16 - 11/02/20
  • Add option to load the script inline (if problem with module loaded in article and cache active)
  • [Pro] Add option to use a Page Builder CK page to create animated captions
VERSION 2.0.15 - 02/01/20
  • Fix issue with thumbs in subdomain
  • Fix issue with CSS in the RTL format
VERSION 2.0.14 - 05/12/19
  • Fix issue with caption position when using middle layout and moveFromBottom
  • Remove html tag in the demo data to avoid issues on few servers
VERSION 2.0.13 - 02/11/19
  • Fix issue with alt tag on image that are missing if no caption
VERSION 2.0.12 - 23/10/19
  • Fix issue with frontend edition rights
VERSION 2.0.11 - 21/10/19
  • Add feature to add a slide on the top of the slides manager, using the top button
  • [Pro] [K2] Add options to show the article creation date, and select the date format
  • Fix issue with thumb image url in the preview interface
VERSION 2.0.10 - 03/10/19
  • Fix issue with mobile specific images creation
  • Fix issue with image url
VERSION 2.0.9 - 19/09/19
  • [Pro] Add Virtuemart plugin to show the products
  • Fix Google font issue
VERSION 2.0.8 - 10/09/19
  • Add config.xml file to set the edition rights to user groups
  • Fix issue with Joomla 4 (module)
  • Fix issue with edition rights
VERSION 2.0.7 - 16/07/19
  • [Pro] [Folder] Fix issue with uppercase image extension
VERSION 2.0.6 - 05/07/19
  • Add option to not show the debut message (items not found)
  • [Pro] [K2] [Folder] Fix issue with the additionnal plugins and errors when editing modules
VERSION 2.0.5 - 25/06/19
  • Fix issue with article link when using the slides manager
VERSION 2.0.4 - 24/06/19
  • Add ACL on the component to choose who can edit (select image, use styling interface, select menu ...)
  • Fix issue with shuffle order not working
  • [Pro] [Articles] Fix issue with external url on images
  • [Pro] [K2] Fix issue with external url on images
VERSION 2.0.3 - 20/06/19
  • Fix issue with image upload
VERSION 2.0.2 - 20/06/19
  • Fix issue with MySQL style table creation on install
VERSION 2.0.1 - 19/06/19
  • Fix PHP issue
VERSION 2.0.0 - 13/06/19
  • New major version. See for more details
VERSION 1.4.64 - 12/06/19
  • Add aria-label on anchor links for accessibility (based on title)
  • Fix issue with link target
VERSION 1.4.63 - 29/03/19
  • Add option to strip html tag in the caption
VERSION 1.4.62 - 25/03/19
  • Add feature to use a labels.txt file to set the attributes on slides when loading from a folder
VERSION 1.4.61 - 25/11/18
  • Fix issues with frontend editing
VERSION 1.4.60 - 19/11/18
  • Remove the Big Bunny video from the demo data
VERSION 1.4.59 - 06/11/18
  • Fix problem with image selection when using Advanced Modules Manager Pro
VERSION 1.4.58 - 05/11/18
  • Fix issue with 1.4.57
VERSION 1.4.57 - 05/11/18
  • Fix JS error if no html found
VERSION 1.4.56 - 03/11/18
  • Fix issue with opacity background not applied if set to 0
  • Update url from http to https in admin side
VERSION 1.4.55 - 18/09/18
  • Fix issue with slide link not used if autoload from image is set
VERSION 1.4.54 - 07/05/18
  • [Params] Add option to load the slides from a Google photos album
VERSION 1.4.53 - 02/05/18
  • Fix issue with fullpage background and image dimensions
VERSION 1.4.52 - 13/03/18
  • Add option to enable keyboard control (left = previous, right = next, P = play/pause)
VERSION 1.4.51 - 03/03/18
  • Improve the responsive behavior : you can now give a width in px and it is still responsive
  • Improve the text truncate method (when loading articles)
VERSION 1.4.50 - 09/01/18
  • Fix issue with image alignment option not working when using full page option
VERSION 1.4.49 - 08/01/18
  • Add accessibility with tabulation and enter touch on keyboard (thanks to Adam Gatt !)
VERSION 1.4.48 - 12/12/17
  • Improve size calculation for thumbnails container
VERSION 1.4.47 - 14/11/17
  • Fix issue with image size on Flickr
VERSION 1.4.46 - 03/10/17
  • Fix JS issue on easing
VERSION 1.4.45 - 14/09/17
  • Fix issue with scripts executed several times on the same slideshow (often a cache issue)
  • Fix admin buttons in the module
VERSION 1.4.44 - 23/06/17
  • Remove the time stamp in image url
VERSION 1.4.43 - 29/05/17
  • Add advanced option to Fix Html to avoid issue when the text is truncated
VERSION 1.4.42 - 15/05/17
  • Separate the slideshow object from the jQuery instance to avoid conflicts
  • Add alt tag on images
  • Add option to put the link on the title only
VERSION 1.4.41 - 26/01/17
  • Add compatibility with the plugin to load K2 elements
VERSION 1.4.40 - 22/11/16
  • Add event 'cameraupdate' than can be triggered to force the slideshow to recalculate its dimensions
VERSION 1.4.39 - 08/11/16
  • Improve the transition with the full page background mode
VERSION 1.4.38 - 27/10/16
  • Fix issue with 0 value for article character length
VERSION 1.4.37 - 19/10/16
  • Add option to disable/hide the caption
  • Add option to disable/hide the descrioption only
VERSION 1.4.36 - 06/10/16
  • Fix a css issue with caption on multiple modules
  • Fix frontent image selection for non super users
  • Remove the time stamp in image url
VERSION 1.4.35 - 03/10/16
  • Improve fullwidth background images ratio
VERSION 1.4.34 - 01/10/16
  • Allow image selection from the frontend edition
VERSION 1.4.33 - 13/09/16
  • Add option to load the slides from the Full Text image in the article options
VERSION 1.4.32 - 05/09/16
  • Fix an issue with the date filtering on the slides
VERSION 1.4.31 - 01/05/16
  • Fix an issue with the padding in the caption
VERSION 1.4.30 - 27/04/16
  • Add dates options to limit each slide to start and end date
  • Add compatibility with % for margins
  • Add min-height option to limit the height on small screens
  • Add adaptative caption option to make the font responsive (if set in em)
VERSION 1.4.29 - 28/03/16
  • Improve the full background ratio and display
VERSION 1.4.28 - 23/03/16
  • Fix issue on mobile device with touch move
VERSION 1.4.27 - 04/03/16
  • Remove dependency to jquery mobile, add custom touch event handler code
VERSION 1.4.26 - 11/02/16
  • If only one slide, force the navigation and button to be OFF
VERSION 1.4.25 - 07/02/16
  • Fix issue in IE11 to delete a slide from the slides manager
VERSION 1.4.24 - 28/01/16
  • Add option to automatically link to the image itself for Lightbox (need the plugins params)
VERSION 1.4.23 - 19/12/15
  • Fix a javascript issue
VERSION 1.4.22 - 14/10/15
  • Fix issue with Curl using Flickr
  • Add effect option for Kenburns
VERSION 1.4.21 - 25/08/15
  • Add option to autoload images from Flickr
VERSION 1.4.19 - 29/06/15
  • Fix issue with existing thumbnails


Fast and powerful creation, customizable and responsive.

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