Joomla compatibility : Joomla 5 Joomla 4

custom canonical ck for joomla

Custom Canonical CK is a simple plugin especially used for SEO. It will allow you to manage the canonical tag for your articles and other items. Nicely integrated in the native options, it is really easy to use.



Auto Generate Canonical URLs

Adding a canonical URL is now easier than ever. Simply click the Auto button and Custom Canonical will automatically generate the canonical URL for you.

Remove Default Canonical

Joomla often sets incorrect canonical URLs. You have the option of removing those.

Canonical Pagination

Custom Canonical automatically appends pagination query strings to the end of the custom canonical URL on paginated results.

Custom Canonical Tags

You have the power to set the canonical tag to whatever you desire. This includes a different page on your site or an external site.

Item Based Canonicals

All canonical tags are item based. This means that (unlike some canonical solutions) they are URL agnostic. i.e. it is a real solution.

Boost your SEO

Using a canonical tag is good for your SEO. It will tell the system which page is unique in your website, and this avoids the famous duplicate content issue.

Supported Items




Menu Items

How it works

You must install and enable the plugin, then edit an item, for example an article, and go in the Publishing tag >> Metadata. Here  you will find the Custom Canonical CK option. You can click on the Auto button to automatically create the url for you. Take care that this will affect the SEO of your website and you must know what you are doing here.

custom canonical option



Automatic canonical tags

You can activate the option to automatically add the canonical tag to your pages in your Joomla website. This will get the routed url for the current page and set it as canonical url. Note that Joomla can show your pages in a non routed url which results into a duplicate content. To avoid the duplicate content problem in Joomla you can enable the automatic canonical tags in the plugin options.


Read the documentation for the automatic canonical tag option

code developpers


Light version

Automatically generate urls

Automatically remove default canonical

Compatible with the pagination

Use custom canonical tag

Automatic tag on all pages (for articles, tags, category)

Forum support

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates


Pro version

Automatically generate urls

Automatically remove default canonical

Compatible with the pagination

Use custom canonical tag

Automatic tag on all pages (for articles, tags, category)

Forum support

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates

19 €


Read the full online documentation


Release notes (click to show) :

VERSION 1.2.1 - 02/09/24
  • Fix issue with single quote in language strings
VERSION 1.2.0 - 28/10/23
  • Add compatibility with Joomla 5 native (without the compatibility plugin)
  • Fix issue with language tag not working
  • Add compatibility with Phoca cart
VERSION 1.1.3 - 05/09/23
  • [Pro] Add automatic canonical tag on all pages
  • Fix issue with the plugin loading
VERSION 1.1.2 - 04/09/23
  • Fix issue with language all and variable added to the url
VERSION 1.1.1 - 27/08/23
  • Fix issue with register listener and other extensions (e.g. OS Map)
  • Fix issue with a multilangual website
VERSION 1.1.0 - 11/07/23
  • Add Pro version
  • [Pro] Add option to automatically add the canonical tag on the pages
  • Fix issue with the tag component (issue found in joomla : com_tag instead of com_tags)
VERSION 1.0.5 - 13/06/23
  • Fix issue with ajax requests from other extensions
VERSION 1.0.4 - 05/05/23
  • Fix issue with tags
  • Fix issue with categories
VERSION 1.0.3 - 03/05/23
  • Fix jQuery issue
  • Fix issue with some language strings in javascript
VERSION 1.0.2 - 02/05/23
  • Fix PHP issue
VERSION 1.0.1 - 27/03/23
  • Add canonical tag for all pages where the tag has been set for the menu item
VERSION 1.0.0 - 19/12/22
  • First release

Fast and powerful creation, customizable and responsive.

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