use tag to load the slideshow

Have you ever wanted to load a slideshow into your article, in a simple and easy way ? This is now possible using the tag especially developed for Slideshow CK. Put the tag in your content to call the module and you can also pass custom parameter to it.

How to create the base module

You will need a module that will be used as base for your settings. For example you can setup the dimensions, the effects, and whatever you want to reproduce in the tags.
Go in the Joomla modules manager and create a new Slideshow CK module type. Setup your options as you want. As you don't want your module to be shown in your page unless you call it with a tag, you must publish it in the position "none".
Note that you can create mlutiple module and call each one using a tag if you want.

How to call the module

In your content you can use the tag to call the module like that :

tag use

In this example :

  • 110 : this is the module ID that you want to call
  • folder= : this is a custom setting
  • height= : this is another custom setting

If you put this tag in your article, it will render the module ID 110 with the images loaded from the folder images/demo (if the source of the module is set on Folder, else it will have no impact) with the height set at 300px.


How to use the custom settings

In fact, you can call any setting from the module in the tag. Then where to find the list of all existing settings ? You can find them here

  • modules/mod_slideshowck/mod_slideshowck.xml : this is the main file that stores the settings of the module
  • plugins/slideshowck/TYPE/params/TYPE_params.xml : this is the file that stores the additional fields (in the Pro version). You can find all types of plugins in the folder plugins/slideshowck


Example :

in mod_slideshowck.xml you will find the option navigation which has 3 different possible values. You can use it to set the navigation arrows to be always shown like that in the tag :



*note : folder is a special setting, it does not exist in the xml file, it is the shortcut of autoloadfoldername



You can setup a module with the basic settings that you need, for example the pagination, dimensions, effects. Then use the tags to load exaclty the same settings for all your slideshows, just by changing the images source with the custom settings in the tag. For example you can use the folder source, and change the folder path in each tag. This way, all your slideshows will have the same behavior and look, controlled by only one module.


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