You can automatically load a variety of images directly loaded from a folder. This means that you don't have to go in the module to manage your images, you can simply put your images with FTP in the folder and the slideshow will use them.

This method also allows you to use a TXT file to set the attributes (text, link, video) on the images. Go in the Slideshow CK module options >> Source >> Folder to activate this method.


slideshowck folder options


Folder source


Give the folder path in the field, example : images/demo

You can use the Select button to open the Media Manager CK which will let you navigate through your folders with the images preview and select the one you want to use in one click.

ck media manager folder



Set up images attributes


Even if your images are directly loaded from a folder, you can still add a text, link or video to them. To do that you can use a labels.txt file located in the same folder as the images to load. To manage this files you have 2 solutions :

  • use the interface from the module options to fill the data
  • create and edit the file manually with FTP


Interface to fill the data

This interface helps you to fill the labels.txt file if need an assistant to do it. Click on the Click here to edit the labels.txt file button to open the interface in a popup


Edit the file manually with FTP

You must create a file named : labels.txt

In this file you must write one line per image like this

Image Name.extension | Title | Description | Link | Video | Article ID

each setting is separated by a vertical bar "|".

images labels

Check an example of what you can write in your labels.txt file.

images labels example


Note that the file shall be saved in UTF-8 if you are using accent or special characters. You can use Notepad++ to do that.


Images order


Natural order (default)

By default the images will be sorted by natural order (like alphabetical) when they are loaded from the folder. But if you are using the labels.txt file then the system will follow the order of the images that you set in the labels.txt file. Easy as pie :)


Custom order using labels.txt

If you have created a labels.txt file in the folder of the images, it will be used to follow the order of the images. The images will be sorted in the same order as you write the images names in the txt file.


By shooting date (exif data)

You can choose to order your images by Shooting date. This will read the data from the images and get the date of the photography. You can select the order direction :

  • ASC : oldest images first
  • DESC : newest images first



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