moocoverflow joomla menu mac

The module mooCoverFlow CK displays some images with menu item links with coverflow effect with the possibility to redirect the page on double click on current image displayed.


Warning ! This extension is no more supported.


Functionnalities of the module mooCoverflow CK

The module can be configured by width, height, you can alos manage images position and width, display a title and navigate through with mouse or keyboard.

There are a lot of options, but one of these can convert the menu into an image gallery ! The gallery opens then a lightbox popup based on the plugin Mediabox CK that you must have installed and published on your website.


Demo of the module mooCoverflow CK

This module is no more supported, the latest version works with Joomla! 2.5. It does not work with Joomla! 3 and upper version

demo moocoverflow j25 

The module is based on the librairy mootools 1.2. On Joomla! 1.5 you need to download and publish the plugin mtupgrade for the module to work properly.


Options of mooCoverflow CK



Download the module mooCoverflow CK for Joomla 2.5

Download the module mooCoverflow CK for Joomla 1.5

Download the documentation of the module mooCoverFlow CK

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