Playlist CK can display your images or videos with nice effects. It is compatible with mobiles, and responsive design (adaptive width). You can easily manage the slide in the module options with a Drag & Drop interface.
The plugin Slideshow CK Hikashop allows you to directly load the products from the ecommerce Hikashop into the module Slideshow CK. You can load automatically the products from your Hikashop shop into your slideshow with multiple options.
The plugin Slideshow CK Virtuemart allows you to directly load the products from the ecommerce Virtuemart into the module Slideshow CK. You can load automatically the products from your Virtuemart shop into your slideshow with multiple options.
The plugin adds some new options in the module Slideshow CK. You just need to install and publish it and then some new options appear with parameters in administration of the module in Joomla!.
The plugin Slideshow CK Params allows you to load the images directly from a folder and adds some parameters on each slides with a text file.
Joomla compatibility : Joomla 5 Joomla 4 Joomla 3
Slideshow CK can display your images or videos with nice effects. It is compatible with mobiles, resonsive design (adaptive width) and you can slide with your fingers on your mobile. You can easily manage the slide in the module options with a Drag & Drop interface.
Joomla compatibility : Joomla 5 Joomla 4 Joomla 3
Beautiful CK is a module that displays any Joomla! module in a nice way with some banner, a custom text and lots of custom styles without any required CSS knowledge.
Here you will find the list of available graphic theme to personalize your module Slideshow CK.
All these themes are worked in order to be the most compatible, however no warranty nor support is given with these packages.
How to install a theme ?
Download the ZIP of the theme and go in the Joomla backend >> Extension manager >> Install. Select the file and install it as any other extension. You will see the added theme in the select list option in the module Slideshow CK.
Package theme Default
Parallax CK is a Joomla module which can dispay multiple image on several layers and give them some animated effects to move them automatically or following the mouse cursor.