The plugin Maximenu CK Mobile will transform your megamenu into a mobile application. Give a new look to your website for the visitors on tablet (iPad) or mobile phones.
Just publish the plugin and choose the module you want to use as main mobile menu in the options. Then you can choose the resolution limit to activate the mobile menu, and one of the two preinstalled themes.
The plugin Maximenu CK Mobile has been replaced with Mobile Menu CK. Please use this new extension instead. The plugin Maximenu CK Mobile will no more be updated because all features have been merged in Mobile Menu CK
- Fully customizable with a complete interface
- Customization with instant preview
- Choose if you want to show the images or not in the mobile menu
- Choose if you want to show the modules or not in the mobile menu
- Choose if you want to show the descriptions or not in the mobile menu
- 4 themes included for free
- 9 presets included for free
- Choose if you want to activate it under a resolution value, or by detecting the device (mobile / tablet)
- Possibility to create your own theme
- Multiple opening effects : normal, full screen, slide left or right
- Multiple effects to open the submenus : flat, accordion, fading, sliding
- Alternative text and image, that you can set different from the normal menu to fully customize it
Full customization interface to create your mobile menu theme
Note : This features are not available in the Joomla! 2.5 version
Additionnal mobile parameters in the Maximenu module
Mobile parameters in the Maximenu plugin
How does the plugin works
Depending on the window resolution of the visitor the menu will take place at the top of the page :
- The standard Maximenu will be hidden
- A new control bar will appear at the top of the page with an icon to open the ne mobil menu
Nomal menu preview
Mobile menu preview
Additionnal mobile parameters in the menu items edition
The plugin will add some options in each menu item to let you set an alternative text and image for the mobile menu. You can have a different text and icon for the mobile menu and the normal menu.
These options can be used with the specifi theme "icon" that is included for free in the plugin. See how to make your menu like an iPhone application using your own icons :
Preview of the themes
Theme "Default"
Theme "Prototype"
Demo videos of what you can do with Maximenu Mobile
Note : Some effects are not available in the Joomla! 2.5 version
- Add translation feature for texts in the buttons
- Add 2 new themes preset, for bar at the bottom and icon at the bottom like a mobile application
- Fix notice with PHP 7.2
- Disable in popups
- Update the mobile detection to add compatibility with new devices
- Fix issue in IE with Joomla! 3.7
- Add anchor class from the normal menu to the mobile menu
- Fix issue with multiple mobile menus using the push/slide effect
- Add triggers to listen the menu actions : maximenuckmobile_open and maximenuckmobile_close
- Add option to open the menu accordion to show the active item path
- Fix issue with multiple mobile menus closing each ohers
- Add ltr or rtl css class on the mobile menu
- Add option to set the menu width when opening with slide
- Add option to slide from left over the page
- Add option to slide from right over the page
- Add click outside detection to close the menu
- Add compatibility with target attribute
- Fix a JS issue with the back button not working
- Fix a multilevel issue
- Fix an issue with the module ID if numeric
- Fix a js issue
- Fix issue with push effect