The plugin manages the parameters for the links created with the module Accordeonmenu CK. You just need to install and publish it and then a new tab appears with parameters in administration of menu links in Joomla!.
The plugin Accordeonmenu CK Params avoid having to write some special characters in the menu link title, this has a big advantage : no more problem with special characters in the page titles, in components like Xmap, or in the breadcrumbs in Joomla!.
Then the plugin offers these features :
- Loading a module by choosing it in a list of all published modules
- Adding a CSS class on <li> tags
- Adding a description on each link
- Adding a "rel" attribute on the links
- Adding specific styles for individual item in different states : normal, on mouseover, active. You can set the text color, background (color, image, or gradient); rounded corners, shadow, borders and margins
- Options to style the whole menu design using the fields to set the color, margins, and also the submenus styles, within an interface with an instant preview of the menu design
- Import / Export your styles, to save it or share on another website
- Loading automatically the articles by date
- Loading automatically the articles from a category, this is compatible with Flexicontent
Screnshot of parameters
These options becomes visible as soon as the plugin is enabled and the component installed
More than 20 themes preinstalled
Quick preview of how works the Accordeon CK Params