The plugin Accordeonmenu CK Mobile has been replaced by Mobile Menu CK.

The plugin Accordeonmenu CK Mobile will transform your accordion menu into a mobile application. Give a new look to your website for the visitors on tablet (iPad) or mobile phones.

Just publish the plugin and choose the module you want to use as main mobile menu in the options. Then you can choose the resolution limit to activate the mobile menu, and one of the two preinstalled themes.

Additionnal mobile parameters in the Accordeon module

options module maximenuck plugin mobile en

How does the plugin works

Depending on the window resolution of the visitor the menu will take place at the top of the page :

  • The standard Accordeonmenu will be hidden
  • A new control bar will appear at the top of the page with an icon to open the ne mobil menu

Mobile menu preview

apercu pluginmaximenumobile actif

Preview of the themes

Theme "Default"

apercu pluginmaximenumobile theme default

 Theme "Prototype"

apercu pluginmaximenumobile theme prototype 

The plugin Accordeonmenu CK Mobile has been replaced by Mobile Menu CK.

Old links have been kept for information only. Please use Mobile Menu CK.

Download the Plugin Accordeonmenu CK Mobile - Joomla 3.x

Download the Plugin Accordeonmenu CK Mobile - Joomla 2.5

Release notes :

Version 1.1.1 - 30/08/13 :
- added compatibility IE10

Version 1.1.0 - 05/08/13 :
- added option for accordion display

Version 1.0.0 - 02/03/13 :
- first release

Fast and powerful creation, customizable and responsive.

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