lightbox for Joomla

If you are using SIG, SIGplus or SIGE and you want to use another lightbox extension, you can use Mediabox CK. No worry if you already have used some tags like {gallery} in your website because Mediabox CK can use them for you ! You can activate the SIG compatibility option and all your existing tags will be automatically used by Mediabox CK.

A Lightbox plugin for Joomla 4

Mediabox CK is a Joomla lightbox extension that works since years and which is working with Joomla 4. It is maintained regularly and get new updates for fixes and features. It has many features like

  • can show images, video, web pages
  • mobile compatible with the touch interaction
  • zoom feature
  • group images into an album
  • diaporama of the album with autoplay
  • load by tag in the text, or by rel tag on anchor
  • and more ...


Enable the option for the SIG compatibility

If you want to replace your existing SIG (Simple Image Gallery) extension and use another one that works with Joomla 4, then you can choose Mediabox CK. Install the extension into your Joomla website and go in the plugins list. Search for it and go in the plugin options >> general >> SIG compatibility

Enable this option and that's all. It will automatically manage the existing SIG tags {gallery} in your website and transform your old lightbox into Mediabox CK.


Use of the tags

You don't need to update all your articles in your joomla website, just enable the compatibility option and Mediabox CK will automatically read the Simple Image Gallery tags for you and display your images as before, using the lightbox included in Mediabox CK.

The tag used in the SIG extensions is : {gallery}

Here is the list of attributes that are currently managed :

  • width
  • height
  • alignment
  • deftitle
  • defdescription

If you know some other tags that are missing here, don't hesitate to ask for it on the JoomlaCK forum.


Download Mediabox CK



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