documentation maximenu joomla


The maximenu CK  module generates a Joomla! menu which has its own set of options:

  • Description in the link title
  • Effect configurable mootools for the conduct
  • Use horizontally or vertically several times on the same page
  • Multi-columns
  • Loading modules in the menu
  • Display image without text in the link
  • Effect Fancy (movable cursor) on the horizontal mode niveau0
  • Ability to create rounded styles in CSS (HTML architecture for this purpose)
  • MVC structure that allows to override the view file in the template

All these options make it not always easy to know how to go about changing the CSS styles to adjust the menu for his own use and use the administrative settings. Here is a documentation that explains the structure of HTML and CSS to modify it to act on the elements that interest you!

Given the amount of work that this development need and to keep the module free for download, the module documentation is to buy a small amount of few euros.

Feel free to download the documentation (more than 50 pages, see contents table below) to better understand how the menu is made and also to support this project in order to continue to update it.


Download the Documentation Maximenu CK


Contents table (for joomla2.5)

I.Module installation 7
1.Module installation 8
2.Module publication 9
3.Creating the menu 10
3.1)Creating the first items 10
3.2)Creating the sub-menus 11
II.Module structure 13
1.Difference between version 6 and older 14
2.File structure 15
3.HTML structure 17
III.CSS customization 18
1.How to change the styles 19
2.HTML/CSS architecture 20
3.Active links 21
4.Identification unique of a single element 22
5.Parent – child relation 23
6.Levels 1 to n 24
7.Fancy effect 25
8.Rounded style 26
9.Generic Classes 27
10.Classes first – last 28
11.Using a graphic theme for your menu 29
12.RTL compatibility (Right To Left) 30
13.Add the responsive design to your menu 31
14.IE7 specific stylesheet 33
IV.Setting the module 34
1.Plugin for easy parameters management 35
2.Title and description 39
3.Module insertion 40
4.Columns management 41
5.Création d'une nouvelle rangée 43
6.Image management 46
6.1)Adding an image to a link 46
6.2)Image changing on rollover 48
7.Attributes management 49
V.Module settings 50
1.Basic options 51
2.Advanced options 52
3.Effect options 54
4.Styles options 57
5.Third party extensions Options 58
VI.Addons 60
1.Changing the items color 61
1.1)Changing the color of all item titles 61
1.2)Changing the color of all hovered level0 item titles (first level) 61
1.3)Changing the color of the active level0 item title 61
1.4)Changing the background color of a child container 62
1.5)Changing child items title color for parent ID 238 62
1.6)Changing hovered child items title color for parent ID 238 63
1.7)Changing the main background color 63
1.8)Changing the floating cursor background (fancy) 64
2.How to center the menu horizontally in the page 65
3.Bug in Safari with Flash 67
4.Using the view flatlist 68
5.Align the submenus 70



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