Slideshow CK - Joomla 3.x

Slideshow CK - Joomla 3.x


Slideshow CK

Slideshow CK

The module Slideshow CK can display some images or videos with nive effects. It is also compatible with mobiles : it is responsive design and you can slide with your fingers.

Slideshow CK Pro

Slideshow CK Pro

Slideshow CK Pro has all needed features to

  • load the images directly from a folder, Flickr, Google Photos, Hikashop, Joomgallery, ...
  • Style your slideshow with an interactive interface
  • Manage additional options like the Lightbox ...

Fast and powerful creation, customizable and responsive.

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Favorites extensions

logo maximenuck 110 logo pagebuilderck 110 logo slideshowck 110template creator ck large 449

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