Since the version 2.11.0 you can use the created date and the modified date of a page that has been created into the Page Builder CK component.

Show the create date

You can show the created date of your page using a tag like that



You can place this tag where you want in your page.


Show the modified date

You can show the modified date of your page using a tag like that



You can place this tag where you want in your page.


Customize the dates

By default the format of the dates is made using the Joomla native feature with the translatagble string : DATE_FORMAT_LC4

You can create a language override to manage this string in your whole website, or use a custom format according to the PHP date.


Example of tag using the PHP date format

CKDATE_MODIFIED[m-d-y h:i:s]


This will show something like that : 03-26-21 08:53:12


Example of tag using a string

You can also use your own string and translate it to make it available for different languages (don't forget that there are also some date strings in Joomla like DATE_FORMAT_LC4 and others). Just write your string like that



Then in your language files or using a language override, you can use your string to setup your date in different languages


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