Accordeon Menu CK is a menu system that displays an accordion menu. It is composed by

  • a module
  • a component
  • some plugins

You can manage everything directly into the module, you don't have to switch to other pages to setup your menu.

You can also access to the component part from the admin menu of your joomla website : Menu >> components >> Accordeon Menu CK. This is the admin part of it but you don't need to go there to manage the menu.

1. Installation

First download the ZIP file that contains the extension. Go into your website administration in the menu >> Extensions >> Extension manager >> Install.

install 1

Click on the button to search for the archive that you just downloaded. Then click on Upload & Install. Joomla displays the success message.

2. Create the module

At this step, you shall already have installed the Accordeon Menu CK module in your website, as it will not work without it. Go in the Modules Manager >> New >> Accordeon Menu CK, give it a title and publish it on all pages in a template position (for example position-1 if you are using the template Protostar)

new module


Then save and you shall see the Accordeon Menu CK module in your page. By default Joomla! creates a menu module type mod_menu in the position-1, so you should unpublish it to only have the Accordeon Menu CK showing.

3. Select the menu

One of the most important thing that you must do is to select the menu to show on your website. This is based on the Joomla menus that already exist in your website. You can create and manage your menu from the Admin menu >> Menu (joomla menu manager)

To select the menu in Accordeon Menu CK, go in the module >> Source tab >> Menu >> Select


  • Select : choose which menu you want to show in your website
  • Edit : launch the settings popup where to manage the menu layout : icons, titles, etc ...

 If you click on the Edit button, you will get access to the settings for your menu, example :



4. Style your menu

You can style the menu using your own CSS rule, but the easiest way is to use the styling interface directly into Accordeon Menu CK. Go in the module >> Styles tab >> Style >> Edit



It will open a popup where you can play with any field so setup the colors, margins, offsets and many more.

styles edition

Edit any field and see the preview instantly on the right. Once you have your design, give it a title and save it. You can then select the style from the module options, and you can apply the same style to multiple modules. You can also create multiples styles and apply one style per module.

NOTE : when using the styling interface it is recommended to setup the theme on none.

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