carousel plugin params joomla

The plugin adds some new options in the module Carousel CK. You just need to install and publish it and then some new options appear with parameters in administration of the module in Joomla!.

The plugin Carousel CK Params allows you to load the images directly from a folder and adds some parameters on each slides with a text file.

List of the plugin features :

  • Load images directly from a folder
  • Reorganize the images with drag and drop interface
  • Add parameters (link, caption, article, etc...) to each images with a text file
  • Load the links into a Lightbox (native joomla! or Mediabox CK)

Using Carousel CK params to import the images

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You must install and publish the plugin Carousel Params to activate the options in the module administration. Then you can select to load the image from a folder and give a folder name.

Click on the "Import" button to load the images from the folder, then you can reorganize them with drag and drop on the arrow.

Open the links in a Lightbox

With the plugin you can choose to use the links in a Lightbox. In the slides manager you can choose the target option "Lightbox" or in the text file if you load the images from a folder. You can use the native Joomla! lightbox or the advanced Mediabox CK that allows you to show the caption as title in the popup.

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Import images automatically from articles

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Adding params to the images

You can choose to add some parameters for each image in the folder. For this you must create a text file that has the same name as the image. For example

  • the image is called : sea.jpg
  • the text file must be called : sea.txt

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Inside the text file you can add the following params (each param must be written in a new line)  :

caption= : Caption text for the image, it can contains some html tags, example : caption=This is a demo caption from <a href="">Joomlack</a>

articleid= : article ID to load in the caption, example : articleid=27

video= : video link to show in the slide, example : video=

link= : Link url to add to the slide, example : link=

time= : Duration of the slide, example : time=1500

target= : Choose  how to set the link, it can take to values (_blank or _parent or lightbox), example : target=_blank

Download the Plugin Carousel CK Params - Joomla 3.x

Download the Plugin Carousel CK Params - Joomla 2.5

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