You can automatically load your articles into your slideshow in few clicks. Go in the Slideshow CK module options >> Source >> Articles. Then use the available options to select which articles to load.

Image filtering

This is the most important option because it will decide how to filter the articles. You have 2 possibilities here

  • Intro image article : based on the Intro image field in your article options
  • First image in the content : based on the content of the article, it will search for an image in it

Note that if there is no image (intro image, or in the content depending on the option selected) in your article, then it will never be loaded in the slideshow. You must have an image to be shown in the slideshow.


Articles filtering

Based on the native Joomla category module, you can use many options to choose the articles that you want to load.

  • Features articles : you can choose if you want to include or not the features articles, or only display these ones
  • Category filtering type : important for the category option, you can decide if the category that you will select is the one to load, or if you want to exclude it
  • Category : based on the filtering type (include / exclude) you can select one or more categories to add to the selection
  • Child category articles : you can load or not the articles that are inside the child categories
  • Category depth : if you load the child category articles, then you can select how many level of children categories you want to load
  • Article IDs to exclude : give the numeric ID value of each article. Each value must be written on a new line
  • Date options : based on the article date, you can restrict the dates of the article to load
  • Articles field to order by : select the value that is used to order the articles (title, date, order ...)
  • Ordering direction : based on the field to order by, you can select an ascendant or descendant order


Outil de création rapide, puissant et responsive.

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