Mobile Menu CK can create any mobile menu, also for any menu that is loaded in your page.

Create the menu

Go in your admin >> components >> Mobile Menu CK to see the list of all your mobile menus. Click on the Custom menu tab to see the menus that are not linked to a module.

admin custom menus

You can use the buttons in the toolbar to create a new menu, copy, edit or delete your custom menus. In the menu edition you will find some options :

 custom menu options

There are 2 required fields :

Title : you must give a title to your menu

CSS Selector : this is the most important field because this is used to find the menu in the page that you want to transform into a mobile menu.

Menu ID : this can be used to give a specific ID to the mobile menu. Only use this option if you know what you are doing and if you have the sufficient CSS skills

Menu selector : this filters which item to use for the menu root

Child items selector : this filters which items to include in the mobile menu

Menu place : select where to place the menu (in the page, in the normal menu place, top fixed)

There are other options that you can use for your mobile menu.

Outil de création rapide, puissant et responsive.

En savoir plus

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