First of all I have to tell that you are upgrading a major version  ! From Version 8 to Version 9 of Maximenu CK.

Please note that many efforts have been put in this new version to keep a maximum of compatibility with the settings of the Version 8 and give you the most efficient way to update. We will see what are the changes, and the steps to follow.


Options that have changed

The interface of the V9 of Maximenu CK seems lighter than the V8, but in fact it has more options ! The options have been reorganized for a better use.


Version 8

Version 9

Options tabs >> Multiple source tabs for the menu source, third party extensions like Virtuemart, Hikashop ...


Options tabs >> All options merged in a single tab called "Source"

All options from the source appears under the list so that you will only see the option from what you need.

Styles options tab + Styles customization options tab

Styles tab (only one tab)


Theme styling

The version 9 of Maximenu CK has been improved with a new styling interface that is now better integrated in the module options. You can use the same style for multiple modules just by selecting it in the list.

The themes features (looking in the module themes folder) is still in use with the V9 and fully compatible with the V8 themes that you may have created for your menus.

All the existing CSS classes used in the V8 are the same in the V9, no changes have been make to keep the best compatibility. Note that the V9 themes installed with the module now use Flexbox for the submenus layout.


Version 8

Version 9

The sources options (Hikashop, Virtuemart ...) were loaded from the Params plugin and also few specific system plugins. The code was hard to maintain and many features were into the module code


New maximenuck plugins has been developed to open the doors to any developer to create a new source plugin to make Maximenu CK compatible with any third party extension, or external source.

A better logic and easier to maintain.

Plugins list :

All are system plugins and patches (installation of file only) :

  • maximenuckparams (has features for Google Photos, Flickr, Articles, Folder)
  • for hikashop
  • for Joomshopping
  • for K2
  •  for virtuemart

Plugins list :

1 system plugin :

  • maximenuck

Other maximenuck type plugin :

  • adsmanager
  • hikashop
  • K2
  • virtuemart
  • joomshopping


Params vs Pro


Version 8

Version 9

Since years the additional paid options have been added in the Params plugin and other plugins.


The new process is now to have the

  • Light version with many free features as in the V8 free version
  • Pro version with ALL features in a single package


Membership and price changes


Version 8

Version 9

Module : Free

Plugin Params : 14 € / 6 months updates

Plugin Adsmanager : 9 € / 6 months updates

Plugin Hikashop : 9 € / 6 months updates

Plugin Joomshopping : 9 € / 6 months updates

Plugin K2 : 9 € / 6 months updates

Plugin Virtuemart : 9 € / 6 months updates

Documentation : 7 € / 6 months updates



Total of 66 € for all products / 6 months updates

Light version : Free


Pro version (all features) : 29 € / 1 year updates

Free documentation online


This is about 80% discount on the final price


Q : What about the V8 and the product already paid ?

A : All your products will continue to work in the current version (until an update of the system like PHP versio, or Joomla version) would break it. You can continue to use it and decide to update when you want.


V8 legacy mode

What is that ? This is a special option that allows you to use the module with the same features as in the Version 8. This is made to help you in the migration to the version 9.

When updating from the V8 to the V9, the system will detect your old modules and you will get a message when editing your modules that you need to click to migrate the data. Once you have done this, you will have this message

Warning, you are using the module in V8 legacy mode

This is an alert so that you know that this module does not run in the V9 native mode. So, what to do ? There are few possible scenarios :

  1. Do nothing, use the module in V8 Legacy mode as it works without problem : this is the easier solution but also the worst, because you don't use the V9 features and the V8 Legacy mode will not be maintained in the future
  2. Switch your module to the V9. This solution is easy, to do that, just go in the Advanced options tab >> Module compatibility >> Version 9. You will be able to test the frontend of your menu, check that everything is ok. In case of problem, you can revert to the Legacy V8 mode at any time from the module options.
  3. Create a new module. This solution is probably the most complicated, but allows you to let your original menu work as expected during the migration job. You can start with a copy of your V8 module, or start a totally new one and select your settings again. If you don't want to have 2 menus in frontend, just set your new module to be published only for Super Users so you will be the only one to see it.


How to keep your styles

A major question during the migration process, is "How can I get my menu styling back ?". The styling interface has changed between the V8 and the V9, but there are 2 solutions to save your styles and use them in the V9.

  1. Solution 1 : Save and switch. Go in your module in V8 Legacy mode (switch the option to V8 Legacy and save the module), then go in the Styles tab >> Syles customization button to open the styling interface. You must see your styles applied in the interface. Now Save the styles in this popup and close it.
    Switch the option to V9 version (in the advanced options) and save the module. Go in the Styles tab >> Select a style, here you shal see a style named with the ID of your module. Select this style, this is the one that has been saved previously. Save your module and the styles shall apply to your module using the V9.
  2. Solution 2 : Export / Import. Go in your module in V8 Legacy mode (switch the option to V8 Legacy and save the module), then go in the Styles tab >> Syles customization button to open the styling interface. Click on the Export button to save your styles in local file on your computer.
    Switch the option to V9 version (in the advanced options) and save the module. Go in the Styles tab >> Select a style, click on the New button to create a new style and then click on the Import button to upload your file. The styles will be injected into the interface. Give a name to your styles, save it, select it in the module, save the module and styles shall apply to your module using the V9.


If you have any issue, please post on the forum :

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